Why Use Blackjack Strategy Cards

The first time I heard about blackjack strategy cards, I thought it was some kind of dirty secret; not really illegal but definitely something you don’t want people to see you in the casino. I had no idea that casinos actually gave it out for free to their players!
The thing is, casinos know that the average blackjack player will only stick with strategy cards for so long. Players who use perfect strategy can still go on a losing streak and when the occasional streak hits the average Joe Tourist, he’s unlikely to continue playing flawlessly. And even if everyone in the casino played perfect blackjack, the house still had a small advantage.
The purpose of blackjack strategy cards, whether used online or in live casinos, is to minimize the house advantage. Blackjack is one of the few casino games where players can make choices that greatly affect their chances of winning or losing. A player who just randomly hits and stands will lose money at a ridiculous rate compared to a player who uses strategy to determine when to hit and when to stand.
In blackjack, a number of pieces of information are available to the player: two player hole cards and one dealer card. When a player considers these two things, the action with the greatest chance of success can be determined. This does not mean that players will win every time they play; it simply means that the player makes the best decision with the available information.
So why bother using strategy cards when you are playing blackjack in a casino or online? It depends on who you ask. Some casino players simply enjoy strategy games and they want to do their best to outperform the casino at its own game. It’s a challenge like any other strategy game.
But the most common reason behind using blackjack strategy cards is because players like to win money. When a player reduces the house advantage to a minimum, that player is more likely to get a winner. Even if the player doesn’t win, his money will last longer than if he played with no strategy at all.
Some casino players see the money they spend at the casino as entertainment expenses. With the use of blackjack strategy cards, the cost of that entertainment can be greatly reduced. Sometimes, costs can be reduced to such an extent that players end up ahead at the end of the night!